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PARLAMENTARISK SODOMI "Har Du Sagt "A" Får Du Si "Nal" "Tape (USED)

RM 10.00 MYR

This band is a one man Norwegian project putting out extremely groove based grind assault on the listener. It’s hard to imagine a more obscure description of a band; a lone man putting out short, spastic songs of an extremely volatile political social nature who almost never shows his face in public. The music, however, more than makes up for whatever alleged image there might be of the sole member. The end result is balls to the wall grind with no need for shiny production or unnecessary breakdowns and one hell of a vocal style.

Make no mistake; this album has a lot of energy. In all likelihood, any chance listener will find their self head-banging. The album is arranged in the standard million mile an hour ordeal, with pummeling riffs coming at the listener so fast it’s nigh upon impossible to keep up. Woven into the fiery siege of brutality is an uncompromising, unspeakably awesome sense of groove. Every single song is made to keep the listener’s head bobbing and fists raised high. Although the production isn’t professional, it certainly shines through where necessary. Everything is mixed equally, and that is to say, dirty. It gives the album a very visceral feel; the album ends up hitting even harder, sounding even more intense than it otherwise would.

The album is loaded with riffs that could beat an elephant to death and ironically maul a tiger. Parlamentarisk Sodomi has a knack for very groove oriented guitar lines, which the band ends up coordinating very well with simple extreme drum patterns. The riffs end up excelling at sounding louder than they should by drawing the listener’s attention from everything else. The only thing that draws the listener back into the whole experience is the very vitriolic output in the form of the band’s vocals. Let’s take a moment to approach this differently.