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FAR HARAD s/t Tape

RM 20.00 MYR

Cover art by Malicious Man.

"This Ep's artwork sums up the implicit meaning of worship to the world, the damage to the forest by raising tall buildings. The 3 standing people are likened to demon worshipers in the past, but instead in the world now it is a worshiper of powers and likely to be our leader now. Subtly say pagan rituals nowadays,the devil itself " - Malicious Man.

p:/s : On the other note, many refers previous artwork as some Klan's or some bullshit like that, which is not. That was straight capirote's or ritual related dress shit. Had to make a little tweak so we're not make peoples confuse anymore.We firmly againts any form of supremecy, racism etc. We are all equal thus we should love each other.

Far Harad are :
MaggotMonster- Guitar/vocal
MothMan - Bass
Mr.Magnus - Drum

Mixed at Soundmakerinc. Studio, Malaysia by Mashimierul